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Updated: Jan 11, 2022

What does independent, successful, and resilient people have in common? They are all flamazing!

When I was a little girl, I would twirl in the mirror. Smiling and dancing in flowing gowns. I would dream of sharing all the beauty of life with my imaginary friends. I didn't know what a beautiful life was, All I thought was it must be light, shinny, and smell divine. I will bask in this life. I was 8.

“When. the pink flamingo energy calls you, you are reminded to celebrate the beauty, romance, balance, and fun in life.” The flamingo reminds us to respond with grace, even if others do not.

When I think of the flamingo, I think of elegance and grace. All of what I was not. I was a bowling ball moving through life. Awkward and too different to fit into the measures of this world. Little did I know this would be my saving grace. We drown in the monotony. As life moved, I realized this was an advantage perspective. I could see the subtleties of the energy around me. I had immeasurable strength.

The spirit animal Flamingo comes to you when life gets out of control.

Flamazing people must be the most misunderstood group. Our independence and uniqueness are not understood by many. Because of the resilience needed to survive our past, we learned to quickly survey the situation and act with precision to diffuse any question with military tactics that will rival the government. At least in our minds, we do. The strong energy of our confidence can intimidate others because we are not insensitive, but not reactive either. when you do get a reaction, watch out. This is a trait we are working on. While some perceive arrogance, flamazing humans have a depth of empathy they are protecting.

Gasp! Not reactive? Have we met? Flamboyant fun is my middle name! I have always said I was a drag queen in a previous life! An open book of sorts, many flamazing people struggle to conceal their emotions. Our hearts are open when we arrive as children. With the intensity of a bull, emotional energy moves through us. Shocking us. Catching us off guard. We have to develop these steel bars to stop the race car of our mouth. We come off as arrogant when the keys are lost. We use our emotions to flow through this world with an open mind. Our past traumas have stunted our ability to get in touch with our emotions as understanding if they are valid, or a trigger release. Kind of an oxymoron aspect of our life. I was told by an ex friend, I wear my emotions on my sleeve. I couldn't tell if he was insulting me, or being a bratty queen.

The flamingo comes in flamazing peoples life when it is time for a rebirth or a reorder. The energy of the flamingo brings the frequency of pink into your life. Where do you think the phrase "Real men where pink" comes from. Did you know pink is more than just a color? Pink carries the energy of light, airy. fun and fresh. Pink is has a feminine feel.The energy brings a sense of harmony to flamazing people. These individuals will try to promote teamwork, and a sense of camaraderie. Flamingos remind us to bring a little tenderness into our flamazing lives. Tenderness is an underrated energy. Tenderness has pink qualities, with the ability to smooth the rough or frayed edges. Flamazing people carry pink in their auras.

As we navigate this journey raising our awareness, we are raising our consciousness. Don’t be surprised if your goals change on the way. Flamazing people have goals for humanity . We are all here to figure out where are we going right? What is our next evolution? We are all doing the best we can, living within the reactive mind while reformulating the program. We can exit this mindset, and walk into a critical thinking mindset. This is the point where we are not governed by our chemicals within our body. Flamazing people use their emotions to guide the messages from their heart for the greater good. We are able to take an active roll in creating not only the life that we want, but the life we want others to have. This mindset has been transformational in having the life that one would like to experience. When we are in service of others, and in being our best self, our greatest creation, will appear in our lives. This is our purpose of the experience of living. Having a flamazing friend is a gift from God, your higher power.

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