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Stand in your power! This powerful class is full of meditations, attunments,exercises, and information! Sign up to experience the divine energies and see how we percieve them. You will learn to recognize and feel your inner voice.   Open yourself up to the greatness that is already within yourself!

Attunement must be in person.

New Paradigm - Multidimensional Transformation

SKU: 671253175371
  • Today is the day you take a stand to stand in your power! We are entering a period of transition. While there has been a shift in the conscious of humanity, we are rejuvenating our mind, body, and soul.  We are realizing and waking up to an awareness of our multidimensional bodies. We are witness to a joint turn of humanity towards our higher power. 

    - Activate your 12 chakras

    - Activate your Antakarana (light bridge)

    - Activate dormant DNA and more

    - Activate the first stage of your light body

    - Learn to create a vortex of energy, and move energy

    - Create a deeper understanding of your emotional and mental bodies

     - Learn to remove blocks from your physical and auric fields

    - Attunment to the energies of Mahatma and Shamballa

    - Attunment to your healing team

    This class is an intense, 16 hours, 2 day affair. The class has several attunements, activations, and meditations. At the end of the class, a certificate, 1 manual and 2 supplement books will be given to you to assist your expanding knowledge and growth.

    Attunements and class must be attended in person

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